Thursday, June 01, 2006


I think summer has finally arrived in the mountains. I hesitate to say that too loudly, lest Mother Nature catch wind of my words and throw a freak snowstorm our way.

This morning, I have a family of nuthatches helping themselves to beakfuls of suet. While they eat, they make these happy little beeping sounds. A blue jay just discovered Miss Puff's Nine Lives, and is joyfully announcing to the others that breakfast is SERVED, ya'll. The trees have their leaves. The flowers have bloomed. And this year, the rhododendrons are fabulous.

And it is warm. A soothing 60 degrees this AM. The windows are open, and the air smells like cut grass and irises.

Seth's last day of school was Tuesday. He will be going to a day camp three days a week. He will do something different every day, and both he and I are looking forward to it. I can work during the day knowing that he is having an awesome summer.

So! Morning sickness all gone. I whisper this, too. Mother Nature has a wicked sense of humor.

Dinner last night: Taco Bell. One Ultimate Chalupa. One Double Decker Taco. Half of a Cheese Quesadilla. And for dessert? Marble Slab...rum ice cream with Nestle Crunch chunks in a Heath Bar waffle cone.

I know. My healthy eating habits are astounding. Ya'll are brimming with pride at my intelligent menu selections. I swear, I can do better! Just give me a chance!

(Spoken like a true Taco Bell addict...)

1 comment:

  1. Dinner sounds YU-MMY !

    Congrats on no more morning sickness. God, is that ever awful.
