Monday, May 28, 2007


Thank you, Willowtree. That was super cool of you.

And just so you know. No whining or complaining from me. Why, you ask? Because I am ABSENTMINDED AS HELL. Which means:
  1. If I were you, and had missed my post, it would not have been because of computer problems. It would have been because I am ABSENTMINDED AS HELL.
  2. Because of said absentmindedness (did I spell that right?), I thought I should post again about the mugs. And then promptly forgot.

Thanks, also, to all who have come by to check out my kitchenware. And the blog. I've never had sixteen comments, ever. When I saw "16 Comments," I just knew some sort of debate had broken out in my comments section. A debate over...cups? Plates? What?

This is what parenthood can do to a brain...

So what are we doing next Monday?


  1. Anonymous1:17 AM

    Loved the mugs and especially that creamer (cows excite me), but didn't want to wreck the "16 comments" thing, so I'm leaving it here instead.
    Isn't fun Monday great!?!

  2. I lurve Fun Monday.

    Speaking of cows and excitement, have you seen Moosday at Cute Overload? It is fabulous.

  3. Anonymous7:45 PM

    Karmyn is hosting next Monday (I'm too lazy to include a link, just go to my site, she's on the sidebar) it's do do with something you've made, look forward to seeing you. We skipped this week for Memorial Day.

    Oh yeah, you're most welcome.
