Monday, May 14, 2007

Monday Monday

The chickas over at MamaDrama turned me on to this. Ya'll should check it out. Today's quest, from Willowtree:

I would like to see your favourite Coffee Mug. But wait there's more, I'd also like to see your favourite glasses for a) non alcoholic drinks and b) alcoholic drinks. If you want extra credit you could also post your favourite plate. Note I said favourite, not best.

Well, this appeals to me. Not only do I like to collect glassware, but I like to drink.

Coffee cups...because I have FOUR favorites.

Non-alcoholic beverage cups. Got these bad boys at the grocery store, four for a dollah. Make you hollah.

Wine glass. We have about eight of these. In different colors. What I love about these is...

  1. This purple glass is one of the first gifts that Joe bought me, and...

  2. I can pour half a bottle of wine into one glass. Then, when I'm stumbling around the house, laughing uncontrollably and craving cigarettes, I can justify it by slurring, "But I'f only had one glasssss."

Alcoholic beverage glass. Er. Glasses. Pick one. I love them all.

A plethora of wine glasses.

Favorite plate. With cow creamer for style and added effect. I have eaten off this plate since I was a kid.


  1. Oh so many comments for this blog!!! Okay -
    1. I think one o'those mugs is from our local CC's coffeehouse, no?
    2. Dear GOD I love that wine glass!
    3. When Chris and I started dating, his plates were all those Corelle plates - but in BROWN, like Ma's plates! Remember THOSE???
    4. Happy Mother's Day - I am a bad sister, I did not call. Poo poo on me.

  2. 1. Yep...CC's baybee!
    2. If you come visit, you can drink copious amounts of wine. From that very glass.
    3. TOTALLY remember those. Trippy.
    4. No poo poo on you. You are an awesome sister. Don't forget it.

  3. Anonymous6:13 PM

    I have that exact same plate - just one. I somehow got it from Mommy or Daddy, don't know which. I used to have a golden colored glass that I got from Mommy and kept for years because I remembered taking sips of her always watered down coke. I finally chucked it cause it had a big chip on the lip and I thought I'd end up cutting myself on it.

  4. Heather, I was just cleaning up some emails when I came across yours saying you were in for the 'Favourite Mug Fun Monday'.

    Somehow you got overlooked and I didn't put you on the list, I had a catastrophic computer crash around that time so it may have been lost in the panic.

    Please accept my sincere apologies for this slight, I assure you it wasn't intentional. The really sad part is that you did a really good post that would have been widely appreciated.

  5. okay... I like the polar bear mug, and the cow creamer.

  6. Anonymous4:08 AM

    Oooh I love the purple wine glass -- but the reason why is tied between being purple AND big;). Love that cow creamer too.

  7. Those are a great set of coffee cups. I like the glass story, now I know why embee uses such a large wine glass !! That cow creamer is cute.

  8. I like the cow creamer the best. I have a plastic Moo Cow Creamer in my cabinet that was never used as a creamer. The kids always loved to drink out of it when they were little. I bought it because my Gram had one just like it when I was a little girl. She would always put my milk for cereal in it so I could pour it by myself.

  9. I love your wine glass! I have 2 that I use that have little fish on them and like yours - they can hold like half the bottle. :)

  10. Anonymous11:30 AM

    I hear you were accidentally forgotten about on Fun Monday. Can't have that! But amends were made and I'm glad I came to check you out. Not you you. Your Fun Monday you. And it's great. Hope you join in the next one happening on June 4th. We get to make something!

  11. Great collection.

    My mom has plates like that last one.

  12. I love that cow creamer!
    And any glass that fits half a ottle of wine in it must be good!

  13. Oh Heather, I am sorry to missed your post on FUN Monday. You do have quite a few wine glasses. Your cow creamer is wonderful fun. My MIL gave us a kitty creamer. I use it for a vase. Have you signed up at Karmyn's for next Fun Monday on the June 4?

  14. Your wine glass tactic sounds a lot like mine! Of course, I just keep secretly filling mine up when no one's looking.

    GREAT collection! Shame on Willowtree for leaving you out - but he did make good amends.

  15. I'm just wondering what a cow creamer is?

  16. love your eclectic collection! I am always forgetting to get signed up to even join in!

  17. loveLOVElove the cow creamer! i haven't seen one of those for years, they're SO cute.
    and hey, we have that plate too...funny :)
    i missed this fun monday, i think i'd be embarrassed to show how many favourite coffee cups i have ;)
