Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Go ahead. Guess.

Details you may need to make your wager:

  • I have been dilated a centimeter for two weeks
  • My cervix is thinning
  • Jackson is low, low, low
  • Sporadic contractions for weeks...some painful, some not
  • Doc's due date: the 30th. U/S tech's due date: the 24th. I am now officially "full term" at 37 weeks.

No guesses past the 20th. Doc will induce on that day if Jackson hasn't arrived.

My initial guess was the 15th. I think we'll have to serve an eviction notice, though. Last week was full of regular contractions, and dilating, and thinning, and all that prelabor stuff.

This week? Nada. No...wait...lots of leg cramps. Yah. I think the one I had this morning tore muscle from bone.


So I'm sticking with the 15th. Call it wishful thinking. Extreme impatience. The overwhelming desire to wear jeans that button and zip.

We just want to meet this lil' dude so so much.


sillypants said...

Get him out asap...having a christmas birthday sux. Ask dagny who decided to show up 3 weeks early on the 23rd. Everyone will wrap his birthday presents in Christmas wrap cuz it's "all they had". Bastards. I always reply with "really? If it were JULY would this be ok?" No, they'd a gonna out and bought some damn birthday paper....

Can you tell I have issues, LOL

Have a ton of sex....Both my kids came 2 and 3 weeks early. I know what I am talking about :)


Anonymous said...

The leg cramps. I remember those. I could hardly move at the end but when I'd wake up out of a sound sleep to the feeling of a crocodile gnawing on my calf I'd somehow manage to leap out of bed like I was pushed out of an ejection seat.

Anonymous said... it to late to guess yesterday...after a c-section...with Colonel Mustard?


Anonymous said...

It's so wonderful to know that Jackson has arrived! Mama Drama wishes you all the best with your wonderful new son! C-section babies are so pretty!! Post a pic as soon as you can!!!

Thanks to Amber for spreading the word!

sillypants said...

Congrats to you all !!

Can't wait to hear the story and see pictures :)

Thanks to your sister for letting me know !!

Happy Holidays with your new snuggly present....


sillypants said...

Congrats to you all !!

Can't wait to hear the story and see pictures :)

Thanks to your sister for letting me know !!

Happy Holidays with your new snuggly present....
